Wednesday, November 13, 2013

cOZY Hollow

Yes my apartment is still decorated with Halloween stuff..
I love this Rib Cage cardigan, I bought it online shopping and it was surprisingly better quality than i was expecting! that's the thing with online shopping you never know what your going to get. On the other hand you have everything at your finger tips! this is coming from an online shopping addict. 

The Outfit:
Rib Cage Cardigan: Gypsywarrior
Sweat Pants: anywhere! Try the men's section they tend to be much softer!!
Socks: Target
Nightmare Before Christmas: Disney Land!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Halloween Erry Day!

Dead Cheerleader


Orange Is The New Black
Chapman, Pennsatucky, Vause

I'm A Bat!

First of all Happy Belated Halloween!!!!
This has been a crazy month and I'm sad it already over. I can say this is the most costumes I've ever had on one Halloween. Unfortunately the only photos I have are from Instagram. I love making my costumes because its more original and its part of the fun! although there isn't always enough time. Id love to see anyone's homemade costumes feel free to share.
More Halloween posts to come because lets be honest for some of us Halloween is 365 days a year ;)

Dead Cheerleader: My old High School Cheer uniform (guilty)
Oktoberfest Drindl: Amazon
Orange Is The New Black: Good Will
Bat: Wings, home made. Ears Forever 21